Strategies and Portfolios
Equilibrium Proprietary Investment Strategies
We build our proprietary strategies on several common criteria:
- Developing a sustainability driven investment thesis that drives growth and performance advantage.
- A market inefficiency, mis-priced asset or risk, barriers to capital access, or a misunderstood asset class to build on.
- Opportunity to fund scale and growth where there is a long-term imbalance in demand or supply.
- Understanding how technology and capital can change the cost and competitive structure in a value chain.
- Translating these trends, inefficiencies and disruptions into innovative business models and investment structures.
- Creating a significant advantage potential by combining investment management with sector-specific operations expertise.
Equilibrium Carbon Transition Infrastructure
Our investments in Equilibrium’s Carbon Transition Infrastructure (CTI) accelerate the decarbonization of industries and provide a transition from fossil-based carbon. These distributed carbon reduction projects target agriculture, energy, transportation, and heavy materials, through conversion of waste products into reliable distributed scaled renewable resources and carbon offsets.
Our CTI strategy provides project-level capital alongside developers and operating partners for the development, construction, and acquisition of long-lived renewable resources and carbon offset producing assets.
Since 2014, we have been early investors in CTI. Our strategy builds on our decade-long experience operating these complex assets. Along the way, we have established trusted relationships and partners across the entire value chain, from feedstock generation to distribution of renewable commodities. We have in-house expertise to support and accelerate development, project delivery, and operational optimization needed to scale this infrastructure.
Equilibrium Controlled Environment Foods
Our investments in controlled environment food production facilities result in delivery of year-round fresh produce, food safety, and a predictable supply to major retailers and food services firms.
Equilibrium’s Controlled Environment Foods (CEF) strategies build and manage a diversified portfolio of advanced technology indoor and greenhouse growing facilities. Our strategies build on Equilibrium’s industry relationships across the controlled environment production and distribution value chain. We anticipate our CEF strategy will expand over time into new categories of food production as the technology of controlled environment food production changes how we grow our foods, from produce to protein.
Equilibrium Affiliated Strategies
In addition to the Equilibrium developed proprietary investment strategies, Equilibrium made investments in fund managers in related sustainable fields.