Our Team

Equilibrium is organized
around four functions:

  • Innovation and research to deliver unique scalable investment product.
  • Management and operations for portfolios of productive real assets.
  • Structuring, administration, and reporting on our portfolio performance, delivering transparency, returns, sustainability, and continuous improvement.
  • Capital formation to deliver both current returns and future appreciation.

Our team brings together experienced fund managers who have previously overseen management of more than $25 billion of institutional capital, with company builders who have founded, grown, led and counseled companies from garage to IPO.

For our team, building and managing investment products that can deliver sustainability-driven returns is deeply personal.

We bring these experiences and commitment together in a team-based culture to deliver superior performance and returns in each of our targeted sectors.

Executive Team

Dave Chen
Dave Chen
Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Jay Pierrepont
Jay Pierrepont
Chief Investment Officer

Bill Campbell
Bill Campbell
Chief Risk and Compliance Officer

People and Culture

Jacqueline ChƔvez, PhD
Chief People Officer

Tracy Barlow
Tracy Barlow, SHRM-CP
People and Culture Manager

Gabby Socolofsky
People and Culture Coordinator

Sustainability and Investor Network

Michele Grossman
Sustainability Director

Rebeca Ehrnrooth
Managing Director, Investor Network

Investment Strategy and Fund Management

Sustainable Infrastructure Investments

Nick Houshower
Nick Houshower
Managing Director, Investments & Portfolio Management

Sarah Coggins

Aneesh Bhattacharya
Vice President

Addie Ewald

Rob Galbraith

Annie Wang
Senior Analyst

Portfolio FinanceĀ  & Reporting

Gavin Haladay
Gavin Haladay
Principal, Portfolio Finance & Reporting

Virginia Clark
Director, Portfolio Reporting

Josie Roberts
Manager, Portfolio Accounting

Portfolio Operations

Jared Sperry
Jared Sperry
Principal, Portfolio Operations

Godfrey Dol

Mark Hall
Senior Manager, Portfolio Operations

Kevin Itson
Facilities Manager, Portfolio Operations

Operations and Finance

Theo Holt
Principal, General Counsel

Michaele Gobel
Michaele Gobel
Chief Financial Officer

Casey Delaney
Casey Delaney
Vice President, Financial Operations

Cathy Holloway
Fund Controller

Mandy Dearborn
Tax Director

Aeriel Wysocki
Manager, Corporate Accounting

Jonathan Denerson
Jonathan Denerson
Senior Corporate Accountant

Ryan Ensor
Ryan Ensor
Senior Fund Accountant

Robin Sorachana
Senior Accounts Payable Specialist

Beth Smith
Executive Assistant

Board of Directors

Dave Chen
Dave Chen

Andrew Turner
Andrew Turner, PhD
Board Member

Wilson Ervin
Board Member

Equilibrium Advisors

P. Noel Kullavanijaya
Senior Advisor Emeritus

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