Andrew Turner
Board Member

Andrew Turner (Andy) became an advisor to Equilibrium upon our founding and joined the board upon its formation. His career in global finance provides a wealth of experience on which Equilibrium draws.
Frank Russell Company. At Frank Russell Company (now Russell Investments), Andy was one of a handful of senior leaders who can be credited with creating one of the most powerful investment cultures in the industry. Andy began his career at Russell in 1984 in capital markets research as analyst and senior consultant to some of the world’s largest pension funds, eventually becoming the Managing Director of Investment Policy and Research.
As the leader of the research function, he built and led a 100+ person investment research team. While leading teams in London, Paris, Amsterdam, Johannesburg, Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Toronto, San Francisco and New York, Andy encouraged the development of Theory Directed Research, under which the company created the infrastructure and culture necessary to systematically collect data on over 10,000 management meetings to quantitatively demonstrate the power of a quantitative approach to manager selection.
The experience of helping build Russell’s global investment business provided direct exposure to the unique needs and challenges involved with motivating investment professionals and creating long-term sustainable investment cultures.
Northern Lights. Andy left Russell in 2005, and later co-founded Northern Lights Ventures as Chairman, a private equity firm focused on acquiring equity positions in young and emerging investment managers. In 2014 Northern Lights merged with an Australian firm, Treasury Group, to become Pacific Current Group. Andy was actively involved in Northern Lights/Pacific Current portfolio companies until 2016.
Education and Professional Recognition
Andy holds a Ph.D. from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in Management Science and Applied Economics (now known as Financial Economics). He received the SS Huebner Foundation Fellowship for Insurance Education to attend the Wharton School.
While at Russell, Andy was awarded the “Ten Outstanding Young People Award” by the Osaka Junior Chamber of Commerce recognizing exemplary accomplishments to a business leader under the age of 40 during his tenure at Frank Russell Company.
He received the Bernstein-Fabozzi Award for Best Paper in The Journal of Portfolio Management and his team captured a Franz Edelman Award, second prize, for best practical application of Management Science.
Andy is published in several peer-reviewed journals and has written chapters in a few books.
Following graduate school, Andy taught Finance at Pacific Lutheran University where he became a tenured professor before leaving for the private sector in 1983.
After 35+ years in the investment industry, Andy recently retired. Today, he occasionally consults on investment businesses by referral and serves on a very few boards, including ours. Andy is a family man, an outdoorsman, a long-time fly fisherman and conservationist.